Franklin Method

The Franklin Method

is a student-centered system that uses anatomy and imagery to teach functional movement so you feel better in body and mind. We use massage balls and stretchy bands to work with our skeletal, muscular, and fascial structures to improve strength, resilience, and imagination while calming our nervous systems.

I am a level-3 Franklin Method Educator and have worked and studied directly with Eric Franklin, who is an international teacher, developed the system, and published more than 25 books on the pedagogy of imagery, movement teaching, and functional biomechanics.

Franklin Method Drop-In Class

Monday at 5 – 6pm Eastern Time on Zoom
Recommended equipment: Franklin Method balls and bands.

search for classes based on topic and your interest.

What can I expect from the Franklin Method?

In workshops and private sessions, you will learn:

  • Techniques that proven to increase flexibility and balance without stretching
  • Ways of calming your mind and nervous system
  • How to find dynamic alignment so your body is free of tension
  • How your body works and how to make it feel better
  • How to improve your performance in exercise or creative expression
  • How to improve your movement in daily life activites such as sitting, standing, walking, and using stairs

Here I am at Upward Spiral Studio in Cambridge, Massachusetts, demonstrating models of breathing and the pelvic floor using the Franklin Method. The first model, with dancer Cassandre Charles, is a metaphorical model of breathing which is functioning well. The second model shows what happens in breathing with a tight pelvic floor. The third model is an anatomical model of the pelvic floor created with all the students in the class.

What can I expect from the Franklin Method?

I am one of the few level 3 Franklin Method Educators in the world. The rigorous, multi-year movement and somatic teacher training enable teachers to learn complex biomechanics in a way that they can be taught simply through imagery. Franklin Method training requires that the Educator’s own nervous system shift to a calmer, more parasympathetic state in order to teach.

The Franklin Method influences all the artistic, creative, and healing work that I do. I use it to teach dancers, actors, runners, professional athletes, cancer survivors, folks with depression, young people, elders, and people who want to walk, sit, or stand better. Any movement can be improved using Franklin Method principles, and it can be incorporated into any modality that uses the body.

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