Navigating Wellness with Josie Bray: A Comprehensive Guide to Somatic Therapy and Mind-Body Healing

Hey there!

I’m Josie Bray, and I’m here to guide you on a journey from chaos to stability. Picture this as a warm cup of tea for your soul. Let’s take a moment to unravel the essence of what I do.

Josie Bray

Brief Overview 

I wear many hats – a New England girl, a diva, a social justice nerd, and, at my core, a medicine woman and spiritual guide. My journey is marked by twists and turns, but it’s all led me to a place where I can connect with sensitive individuals like you.


Connecting Sensitive Individuals with Stability

Life can be overwhelming, and if you’re a sensitive soul navigating this chaotic world, I get it. It’s like constant background noise, right? But here’s the thing – you have a calling, a desire to make the world better. That’s where I come in. My mission is simple but profound: I’m here to help you find stability so that your sensitivity and intuition become your superpower.


In the upcoming sections, we’ll dive into the core of what I offer – a blend of somatic therapy, holistic health, and spiritual development. Whether you’re new to this journey or have tried various approaches, I’m here to guide you toward confidence, clarity, and a life that reflects your unique gifts.


Grab a cup of tea, settle in, and let’s explore together.


Understanding Somatic Therapy

Let’s get to the heart of my approach – somatic therapy. It might sound a bit intricate, but let me simplify it for you.

Defining Somatic Therapy

Somatic therapy is about tuning into the connection between your mind and body. It’s not just talk; it’s a hands-on exploration of the messages your body holds. Together, we unravel these messages, understanding the stories embedded in your physical experiences.

The Essence of Somatic Experiencing Therapy

Ever heard of Somatic Experiencing Therapy? Think of it as a gentle recalibration for your nervous system. We navigate through past experiences stored in our bodies, freeing us from tension, anxiety, and trauma. It’s about reshaping how those experiences linger within you.

Exploring Various Somatic Therapies

Now, somatic therapy isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. In my toolkit, I bring in several somatic therapies like the transformative 21-Day Chakra Activation and the grounding 21-Day Meditation Reboot. Alongside these, we delve into the dynamic techniques of The Franklin Method. Each uniquely contributes to crafting a plan tailored to your specific needs.


The Josie Bray Approach

Now that you have a glimpse into somatic therapy, let me introduce you to my approach – a unique blend that bridges somatic therapy with holistic healing.

Bridging Somatic Therapy with Holistic Healing

I believe in a holistic approach to wellness. It’s not just about addressing one aspect; it’s about tending to all parts of yourself. This includes your body, heart, mind, relationships, and community. Holistic health, to me, involves cultivating healthy habits, fostering mutual aid, and making choices that improve not only your world but the health of the planet. It’s recognizing trauma patterns and systems of oppression, paving the way to create healthier structures and narratives that support people and the planet.

Somatic Therapy for Anxiety: A Specialized Focus

Now, let’s zero in on a specialized focus – somatic therapy for anxiety. I understand that the constant background noise in this chaotic world can be overwhelming, especially for sensitive individuals. My mission is to guide you through the transformative power of somatic therapy, offering a path from anxiety to stability.


My Path as a Shamanic Practitioner

As part of my journey as a healer, I have embraced the profound and enriching path of shamanic practice. In addition to my work in somatic therapy, I delve into the ancient wisdom of shamanic healing. This involves a sacred connection with the spiritual aspects of life, drawing on practices like journeying into spiritual realms, engaging with spirit guides and animal totems, and connecting deeply with nature’s energies.


In my practice, I use drumming, ritualistic ceremonies, and energy work to facilitate deep healing and transformation. I blend these time-honored shamanic techniques with modern therapeutic approaches, offering a holistic path to wellness that honors the intricate interplay of mind, body, and spirit. My shamanic work guides clients through a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment, helping them explore their inner worlds and connect more profoundly with the natural environment.


Programs Offered

Now that you’re familiar with the foundations of my approach let’s explore the specific programs I offer, designed to guide you on a transformative journey.

21-Day Chakra Activation

Imagine a 21-day immersion into the Vedic and Tantric Chakra System. The 21-Day Chakra Activation is a comprehensive program where, for just $21, you’ll engage in daily practices to explore and understand the seven chakras. You’ll gain a fundamental understanding of the Chakra System, balancing, restoring, and healing your energy body through guided meditations, practical exercises, journal prompts, and informative guidebooks.

21-Day Meditation Reboot

Stability and integrity are at the core of the 21-Day Meditation Reboot. For $21, you’ll embark on a daily practice exploring and understanding the seven chakras in short, effective sessions. With daily guided meditation videos, bonus practices, journal prompts, and encouraging emails, this program aims to instill a sustainable daily meditation practice, grounding you in the midst of life’s challenges.

Franklin Method

Have you ever heard of The Franklin Method? It’s a dynamic system I incorporate into my offerings. We use anatomy and imagery to teach functional movement through live Zoom classes and on-demand sessions. Whether using Franklin Method balls and bands or exploring classes based on your interests, the goal is simple – improve strength, resilience, and imagination while calming your nervous system.

Shamanic Practitioner Training Offered by Me

Recognizing the increasing interest in shamanic healing and its transformative impact, I offer a comprehensive Shamanic Practitioner Training program. This training is designed for those who feel a calling to explore the world of energy healing and spiritual growth more deeply.


The program covers a range of shamanic practices, equipping students with a robust foundation in shamanism. Trainees will learn about journeying, working with spirit guides and power animals, the art of sacred rituals, and shamanic drumming and sound healing. The training also teaches how to weave these ancient practices into contemporary healing methods, making them relevant and effective in today’s world.


My Shamanic Practitioner Training is more than a learning course; it’s a transformative journey that empowers individuals to become channels of healing and wisdom. Whether you are new to shamanic practices or an experienced practitioner, this program will deepen your skills and knowledge, enabling you to bring healing to yourself and your community.


Somatic Therapy Techniques

Now, let’s delve into the techniques that form the core of somatic therapy – practical methods designed to bring about transformation.

Incorporating Somatic Therapy Exercises

Somatic therapy isn’t just about understanding; it’s about doing. Through carefully crafted somatic therapy exercises, we actively engage with the language of your body. These exercises bridge insight and action, allowing you to embody the changes you seek. From gentle movements to mindfulness practices, each exercise is a step toward stability and clarity.

The Transformative Power of Somatic Music Therapy

Have you ever felt music’s powerful effect on your emotions and well-being? Somatic Music Therapy takes that connection to a new level. Using the power of music, we tap into the somatic experience, allowing sound to guide the release of tension and the expression of emotions. It’s a therapeutic journey where melodies become a tool for healing and self-discovery.


Holistic and Mind-Body Therapy

As we journey deeper into the realms of well-being, let’s explore the synergy of holistic and mind-body therapy – a comprehensive approach to nurturing your entire being.

Embracing a Holistic Approach to Wellness

Holistic health is more than a buzzword; it’s a philosophy I integrate into every aspect of my practice. Embracing a holistic approach means tending to every facet of yourself – body, mind, heart, relationships, and community. It involves developing thoughtful daily habits, fostering mutual aid, and making choices that contribute to the well-being of both yourself and the planet. Through this holistic lens, we navigate the intricate web of your life, addressing not just symptoms but the root causes of imbalance.

The Synergy of Mind-Body Therapy

Mind and body are not separate entities but interconnected aspects of your being. Mind-body therapy acknowledges this connection, recognizing that mental and emotional well-being deeply influences physical health. A synergistic approach harmonizes the dance between your thoughts and sensations, unraveling patterns hindering your journey to stability and clarity.


Benefits of Somatic Therapy

As we continue our exploration, let’s shine a light on the remarkable benefits that somatic therapy brings into your life – a journey toward enhancing emotional resilience and empowering confidence and clarity.

Enhancing Emotional Resilience

Life is a journey filled with unpredictable twists and turns. Building emotional resilience becomes paramount in navigating this intricate path. Somatic therapy acts as your companion, guiding you through the process of understanding and regulating your emotional responses. By delving into the language of your body, we cultivate a resilient mindset, empowering you to face life’s challenges with newfound strength and adaptability.

Empowering Confidence and Clarity

Confidence and clarity are the pillars upon which a purposeful and fulfilling life stands. Somatic therapy goes beyond merely addressing challenges; it’s a transformative journey that unlocks your internal reservoir of confidence and clarity. In our exploration of the somatic landscape, you’ll unearth a profound sense of self-assurance and a clear understanding of your life’s path. This journey is an empowerment process, where the ability to shape your destiny lies within.


Envision the benefits of somatic therapy as stepping stones toward emotional well-being, confidence, and clarity.


Somatic Therapy for Anxiety

In this segment, let’s navigate the landscape of anxiety, unpacking its intricacies and exploring the profound connection it shares with the somatic experience.

Unpacking Anxiety

Anxiety can be an ever-present companion, casting shadows on our daily lives. Somatic therapy serves as a guiding light, helping us unpack the layers of anxiety – understanding its origins, triggers, and the way it manifests in our bodies. By delving into the somatic experience, we unearth the roots of anxiety, creating a roadmap for transformation and healing.

Anxiety and the Somatic Experience

Anxiety is not solely a product of the mind; it resides in the body as well. The somatic experience, the sensations and feelings within our physical selves, plays a crucial role in the anxiety puzzle. Through the lens of somatic therapy, we explore how the body holds and expresses anxiety, paving the way for targeted and effective interventions. By addressing the somatic roots of anxiety, we unravel its grip on the mind, fostering a sense of calm and stability.


Somatic Therapy in Practice

Embarking on the practical side of somatic therapy, let’s explore its real-world applications and how you can seamlessly incorporate it into your daily life.

Highlighting Real-world Applications

Somatic therapy isn’t a theoretical concept confined to therapy rooms; it’s a dynamic approach with tangible, real-world applications. Whether you’re navigating professional challenges, personal relationships, or daily stressors, somatic therapy offers practical tools. Together, we’ll explore how these tools become invaluable assets, guiding you through the complexities of everyday life with a newfound sense of ease and resilience.

Incorporating Somatic Therapy into Daily Life

The beauty of somatic therapy lies in its integration into the tapestry of your daily existence. It’s not a separate practice but a companion woven into your routines. We’ll uncover how simple yet powerful somatic exercises seamlessly become part of your day, creating a consistent thread of well-being. Imagine a life where somatic awareness becomes second nature, influencing your responses, decisions, and overall quality of life.



In this journey from chaos to stability, we’ve unraveled the intricate layers of somatic therapy and holistic healing. I’m Josie Bray, your guide in exploring self-discovery and well-being.


Wearing the hats of a New England girl, diva, social justice nerd, and medicine woman, my approach is a unique blend of somatic therapy, holistic health, and spiritual development. From understanding the mind-body connection to exploring transformative programs like the 21-Day Chakra Activation and Meditation Reboot and The Franklin Method, each facet is crafted to guide sensitive individuals toward confidence, clarity, and life aligned with their unique gifts.


For those grappling with the constant background noise of anxiety, my mission is clear – to offer a path from anxiety to stability. Somatic therapy becomes the lantern in this journey, illuminating the somatic roots of anxiety and providing practical tools for real-world applications.


If you resonate with this vision for a grounded, purposeful life, I invite you to take the next step. Contact me at (617) 767-3676,, or through my website, and let us weave somatic awareness seamlessly into your daily existence, transforming how you navigate life’s challenges.


As you embark on this path of self-discovery, envision a life where emotional resilience, confidence, and clarity are not distant goals but stepping stones along the way. If you are from Lowell or nearby areas like Boston, I look forward to being your guide in this transformative journey.

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