I offer two types of Somatic Therapy: one for using the body to reduce mental and emotional trauma symptoms, the other for reducing bodily pain symptoms from acute injury, overuse, poor posture, or repetitive strain.
I work one on one with you to help reduce anxiety and trauma symptoms or dis-ease you may be experiencing from abuse, neglect, or other childhood events. We use three kinds of techniques: those for your body, those for your imagination, and writing for your brain to improve your sense calm and well-being. Ultimately our goal is to help you learn how to regulate your nervous system. We work together to create healthy boundaries, develop emotional literacy, reduce tension, and improve your relationships. We work to improve your awareness around triggers and your bodily perception to encourage new, healthier behaviors.
I work one on one with you to help reduce pain symptoms from acute injury, overuse, poor posture, stress, or repetitive strain. Using body tools, corrective exercise, functional biomechanics, and your imagination, we will work together to improve your strength and mobility. We work to improve your posture so that you can move with less pain and tension. We will bring more ease to your body through movement, curiosity, functional anatomy, and positive self talk.
We meet over Zoom once every 2-3 weeks.
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