If you struggle with physical pain or discomfort, it’s possible that the issue isn’t the muscle directly– Fascia is a majorly overlooked part of pain management.
Fascia is the tissue that surrounds muscles and muscle cells, creating a fascial web.
Once you understand this, it’s easier to feel how habitually shortened muscles in the pelvis, for example, could manifest as knee pain.
Pain or discomfort can arise in the body when the fascia becomes adhesive and sticky, instead of sliding as it’s meant to.
The good news? Smoothing out your fascia isn’t hard to do on your own! Here’s how:
Choose an area of your body you want to work with.
Allow your fingers to melt into that area, then slide them across your skin gently.
You can also use a massage ball to help release tension.
Keep going until you feel a shift– just a minute or two is enough to get started.
Want to understand more about how fascia works? Check out this week’s episode of Spiritual Hygiene.
with love,
Got questions about healing—physical, spiritual, or emotional? Email hello@josiebray.com, and I might feature your question in an upcoming episode!
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